Saturday, September 22, 2018

Riding the Waves as an Emotional Manifestor

Hi all! Welcome to my Human Design - centric blog reality.  I am a 2/4 Single Definition Emotional Manifestor and I am here to share information with you about my journey. I first discovered HD about 4 years ago, I'm currently 24, but only within the last couple of years have I begun to more seriously apply my strategy and authority. I am going to discuss my experience with having my solar plexus defined, and therefore, emotional authority. This post might bring some clarity to you even if you are not a manifestor, but still have emotional authority.
Where to begin?! Patience has been my greatest friend on my journey. When I am angry or upset, generally my mind attempts to decide what I will do, which often involves rejecting/running away/aggressively taking action regarding some situation. On the flip side, when I agree to things out of impulsive excitement, I tend to involve myself in situations that I regret in the long run. They say within Human Design that those with an emotional authority should play hard to get! When presented with an impulse (or an offer, etc, depending on your strategy) it is actually detrimental to respond out of impulsivity! Actually, the options become better for you when you wait them out, as the desire for your investment builds in the other. What a novel idea. You may have studied manifestation, you may have listened to Bashar (who, by the way, I appreciate fully) but I just want to clarify the idea of excitement in the body and how it relates (at least to me) as an emotional authority being.
The idea here is that we must wait for the body to feel at peace. When the excitement is felt as a nervousness within the body, this is a direct indicator that the time has not yet come to make a decision. I think that when Bashar professes to follow your highest excitement, I think that for an emotional being this is an excitement that resonates on the soul level, something that feels "right" as opposed to something that the body is nervously excited about.
I hope this makes sense to you, I encourage you to message me if you'd like to discuss this further.
An example of balance in emotional-authority decision making: My mother and I have been planning a trip to the mountains. We recently got in a bit of a quarrel and lots of anger and frustration was released. During this (downward) emotional wave, I thought for SURE I don't want to go to the mountains with this woman. I was convinced there was no way this would make sense for me. Rather than go and tell her this, and create more polarity in my reality, I acknowledged my downward emotional spiral and I thought to myself, let me wait this one out. Less than 24 hours later, I am at peace with my body and in my emotions. From this clear emotional space I can see that I would very much like to go on this trip with her, as I can see all the potentially wonderful experiences arising from this opportunity.
I encourage you to dig deeper into yourself. Get to know yourself. Understand your emotional waves! We can strive towards removing our bias towards the wave in either direction. When we realize it for what is is, emotions as catalysts for inspiration, change, introspection, and ultimately deep EXPERIENCE of life; when we can appreciate emotions for their ability to connect us to the human experience on such an intimate level, then we can learn how to let them work with us instead of conceptualizing them as challenging and something that must be overcome.
Learn your emotional waves. Learn to recognize when you are feeling nervousness in the body.. Learn to realize that the downward waves are temporary, what goes up must come down. Recognize how the decisions made form a place of instability affect your life more drastically than simply waiting out your emotions. Learn to confidently express that you need time to see how you FEEL about a given situation after you sleep on it. Appreciate your process and others will appreciate it too.
And in the meantime, enjoy the ride!!!
Mahalo for taking this journey with me.